Ministers Should Teach The Truth About Money

2 TIMOTHY 2:15b NLT 15 Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth.

Teaching about money is not easy.

Preachers know that people do not like to be told what to do with their money – especially if it involves giving it away.

No preacher wants people to think he has selfish motives, so preachers often shy away from preaching much on money. They know people might suspect they are preaching about money only in order to raise funds.

You must also first know the truth about money in order to preach it. Unfortunately, our level of knowledge on this subject in the church has been very low.

We are all learning and God is endeavoring to teach us and give us a balanced understanding. (But God’s balance may seem extreme to many people!) You may also be surprised – as I have been – to find out that some things you have been taught were not right.

The truth is that God gave us revelation in His Word that must be understood and obeyed if we are to walk in the fullness of blessing Jesus Christ paid for us to have. We need to hear preaching on these truths. So we need preachers with the courage to preach truth, with no fear of people.

I realize – for your sake – I should be more bold to preach more on what the Bible says about money and prosperity.

Yet we don’t want to go to the other extreme and preach only about money, as if money is the only thing that matters. For that is certainly not what Jesus taught!

We must present truth to people as accurately and fully as we can, regardless of whether it is popular or not. For only the truth will make people free. And we must never forget that none of us knows it all yet. So we should stay open to further instruction the Lord may send our way.

(This article has been divided into three parts to keep it from being too long.)

SAY THIS: Lord, please help me to understand and to teach the truth about money.

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