Let Jesus Be Boss

ACTS 2:36 NIV 36 “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

“Boss” is a modern meaning of the word “Lord.”

Somebody has to be the boss. Somebody has to make the final decisions.

It’s not a hard thing to let Jesus be your boss – it’s a wonderful privilege.

Jesus knows more than you do. And Jesus loves you more than you love yourself. So He desires the very best for you and knows how to make it happen. Therefore letting Jesus call the shots in your life is the smartest thing you could do.

Of course, if you choose, you can go your own way and do your own thing. You can try to do the best you can on your own – and see how it works out.

If you owned a large important company, who would you rather run the company for you, a brilliant executive with a perfect track record of running many other companies successfully, or someone who has never run a company before?

You have control over something much more important than a company – your life. Who do you want to run it for you? Jesus, with a perfect track record. Jesus, who knows more about the future than you know about the past. Or, yourself?

Without the wise, loving, experienced, guidance of Jesus, you will almost certainly crash in life.

Sure, you may get along fine for awhile. But, eventually, it will all crash around you. Trust in yourself, and you will be disappointed. Trust in God and obey Him, and you will not regret it.

SAY THIS: Jesus, I choose You to be my boss.

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