
What Is Faith?

ROMANS 1:17 ESV 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Since the Bible reveals that we, who have been made righteous by receiving Jesus Christ, are to live by faith, we need to know what faith is. Faith is what you believe. In the New Testament, faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form of the same word. Faith is not difficult to understand. If you believe something, that is your faith. Faith and belief are the same thing. A belief is something you have accepted as truth and consider to be true, whether it is actually true or not. Faith is not a feeling, attitude, outlook, or state. Faith is primarily a choice, a decision of your will. Nothing can force you to believe. What you believe is a decision you make. Here is a definition: Faith is always a decision, based on some evidence, resulting in some action. So faith is when you are persuaded by the evidence you have been presented,

Repent Means Change Your Beliefs

MATTHEW 4:17 NKJ 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The word “repent” as used in the New Testament, means to have a change of thinking, which results in a change of action. Repent does not mean to ask forgiveness. You could ask for forgiveness all day and never repent. Repent does not mean to have regret, remorse, or sorrow. You could be remorseful, full of sorrow, and regret greatly what you have done, yet never repent. Repent does not mean to “shape up” and “live right.” Of course, the right kind of repentance should cause your actions to change so that you will be living right. But repent does not mean “to live right.” It is even possible to quit a sin without repenting. People can quit a sin (at least temporarily) for many reasons. For example, the danger of being caught. That does not mean they have changed their thinking regarding the sin. Repentance has to do with your beliefs, not primarily your actions. Do

What Is Faith?

ROMANS 1:17 ESV 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Since the Bible reveals that we, who have been made righteous by receiving Jesus Christ, are to live by faith, we need to know what faith is. Faith is what you believe. In the New Testament, faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form of the same word. Faith is not difficult to understand. If you believe something, that is your faith. Faith and belief are the same thing. A belief is something you have accepted as truth and consider to be true, whether it is actually true or not. Faith is not a feeling, attitude, outlook, or state. Faith is primarily a choice, a decision of your will. Nothing can force you to believe. What you believe is a decision you make. Here is a definition: Faith is always a decision, based on some evidence, resulting in some action. So faith is when you are persuaded by the evidence you have been presented,

Repent Means Change Your Beliefs

MATTHEW 4:17 NKJ 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The word “repent” as used in the New Testament, means to have a change of thinking, which results in a change of action. Repent does not mean to ask forgiveness. You could ask for forgiveness all day and never repent. Repent does not mean to have regret, remorse, or sorrow. You could be remorseful, full of sorrow, and regret greatly what you have done, yet never repent. Repent does not mean to “shape up” and “live right.” Of course, the right kind of repentance should cause your actions to change so that you will be living right. But repent does not mean “to live right.” It is even possible to quit a sin without repenting. People can quit a sin (at least temporarily) for many reasons. For example, the danger of being caught. That does not mean they have changed their thinking regarding the sin. Repentance has to do with your beliefs, not primarily your actions. Do

What Is Faith?

ROMANS 1:17 ESV 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Since the Bible reveals that we, who have been made righteous by receiving Jesus Christ, are to live by faith, we need to know what faith is. Faith is what you believe. In the New Testament, faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form of the same word. Faith is not difficult to understand. If you believe something, that is your faith. Faith and belief are the same thing. A belief is something you have accepted as truth and consider to be true, whether it is actually true or not. Faith is not a feeling, attitude, outlook, or state. Faith is primarily a choice, a decision of your will. Nothing can force you to believe. What you believe is a decision you make. Here is a definition: Faith is always a decision, based on some evidence, resulting in some action. So faith is when you are persuaded by the evidence you have been presented,

Repent Means Change Your Beliefs

MATTHEW 4:17 NKJ 17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The word “repent” as used in the New Testament, means to have a change of thinking, which results in a change of action. Repent does not mean to ask forgiveness. You could ask for forgiveness all day and never repent. Repent does not mean to have regret, remorse, or sorrow. You could be remorseful, full of sorrow, and regret greatly what you have done, yet never repent. Repent does not mean to “shape up” and “live right.” Of course, the right kind of repentance should cause your actions to change so that you will be living right. But repent does not mean “to live right.” It is even possible to quit a sin without repenting. People can quit a sin (at least temporarily) for many reasons. For example, the danger of being caught. That does not mean they have changed their thinking regarding the sin. Repentance has to do with your beliefs, not primarily your actions. Do

What Is Faith?

ROMANS 1:17 ESV 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Since the Bible reveals that we, who have been made righteous by receiving Jesus Christ, are to live by faith, we need to know what faith is. Faith is what you believe. In the New Testament, faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form of the same word. Faith is not difficult to understand. If you believe something, that is your faith. Faith and belief are the same thing. A belief is something you have accepted as truth and consider to be true, whether it is actually true or not. Faith is not a feeling, attitude, outlook, or state. Faith is primarily a choice, a decision of your will. Nothing can force you to believe. What you believe is a decision you make. Here is a definition: Faith is always a decision, based on some evidence, resulting in some action. So faith is when you are persuaded by the evidence you have been presented,